Monday, 18 October 2010

Claudia and Jesus' baby, Joaquin.

Two weeks young, and adorable as can be!  Meet Joaquin.  We scheduled this shoot around this little guy's naptime, but as fate would have it, he was too interested in modeling for his photoshoot and was wide awake the whole time.  He was mesmerized by the lights we had setup, and was incredibly cooperative.  We had a couple of oopsies while we had his diaper off, but it made the shoot more interesting and fun (sorry Dad)!
Without further adieu, here are images from our latest shoot.
"Babies are bits of stardust, blown from the hand of God."
-- Barretto

"O wonderful son, that can so astonish a mother"  - William Shakespeare

"A new baby is like the beginning of all things-wonder, hope, a dream of possibilities."
-- Eda J. Le Shan

"Every baby born into the world is a finer one than the last."  - Charles Dickens

Claudia and Jesus, thank you for the privilege of capturing memories of your beautiful, young family!  We wish you all the best!

Tech Info:  Canon 5D, 24-70 2.8, 50 1.8, Calumet light kit, Cowboy Studio light triggers.
Super thanks to my wife for all the help she provided.  

Sunday, 3 October 2010

A Tale of Three Birthdays

We were at San Bernardino last weekend for the birthdays of Ashley, Haley and Charisse.  It's always a fun time at the Contreras residence, and this was no exception!  Got a bounce house full of kids, a plethora of barbecued goodies on the grill, the celebrants and their cousins displaying their singing skills, and friends and family members in attendance to complete the celebration.  Effective ingredients for a great time!
Taking photos inside the bounce house was fairly tricky...aside from the constant bouncing and shifting inside, the lighting was either blown out backgrounds or just shadows inside.  I was able to snap this shot by crawling inside and bouncing flash over my left shoulder into the ceiling....this caused a bit of a mix of green and red cast on the kids, but since I shoot in raw, I was able to correct the color to make it acceptable....

These next shots are of the girls giving due diligence of putting out the fire hazards on their cakes :)

I switched lenses to a longer tele to get a closer shot, only to realize I was too close :(
Charisse's arm was just a few inches behind Ashley, and that was the sweet spot.  This is when my distaste of cropping in post production definitely got the best of me.   
 Above and below are Chinky, Marina and her daughter Jaimee and Carol.  Classmates from Saint Paul's QC batch 88.  This was taken with the sun pretty high and bright...for fill in flash, I had a Sunpak 333 firing remotely just to the right.  Just enough to lift those shadows :)

That's Haley (above) right as she was opening her gifts.  Precious!

Charisse all smiles after she got a SB 600 for her Nikon.

You can feel Ashley's excitement here as she started opening her presents! 
These three images of the girls above were shot in a gazebo tent in the backyard past sunset.  I had a 550 EX firing remotely into a corner of the canvas roof to give a soft, bounced light.  Ambient light was a bit too low to be the only source of light at this point, (and I don't like pushing my ISO when I can still have other means of getting a good exposure) but there was still enough surfaces around us to create soft light.

Jerome and Ana earlier in the day.  They are actually laughing at me thinking why the heck I had the flash pointing directly away from them when I took this...  I had to convince them that I meant to do that, but I don't think they believed me anyway.
These next images don't do much justice to the singing these girls demonstrated during the party.  The girls started off by a dance routine then capped it off by singing a few of their fav songs from Glee.
Pretty awesome stuff!

Techie Notes:  A few of the shots here here taken with flash and a few were taken with ambient light only.   Which ones were which?  There's a few give aways that reveal which is which, but nothing too obvious.  No harsh shadows and hot spots.  That's the whole idea of the style of photography I shoot with. 
Gear used: 5D, 24-70, 70-200, 550EX, Sunpak 330, Cowboy Studio radio slaves.

Monday, 13 September 2010

Emilie, Milan and Echo @ the beach...

We had a great time photographing Emilie, Milan, and their incredibly well behaved dog, Echo!  It was a good day at the beach to be snapping away memories for mother and daughter (and pet).   The tide had just gone out, so the beach had left it's magical tide pools and moist, cool sand to keep our feet comfy.
Both mother and daughter were such great subjects with wonderful personalities that make sessions like these incredibly rewarding to shoot.   Whenever she wasn't smiling or making faces for the camera, Milan was playing in the sand and checking out the plethora of interesting items on the beach. Echo's discipline was pretty impressive...she was as behaved as can be, stayed calm and collected even though the presence of another dog running around on the beach had her attention and was probably much more interesting than looking sharp for the camera.

Daughter and Mommy toes enjoying the cool sand!
In case you are wondering why a gorgeous beach like this was fairly deserted, it wasn't.  There were a good eight or nine other photographers shooting all around us.  It was a matter of working around each other that was keeping each other from popping up in each others least I hope I didn't show up in theirs :)

A mother is the truest friend we have, when trials heavy and sudden, fall upon us; when adversity takes the place of prosperity; when friends who rejoice with us in our sunshine desert us; when trouble thickens around us, still will she cling to us, and endeavor by her kind precepts and counsels to dissipate the clouds of darkness, and cause peace to return to our hearts.  ~Washington Irving

Emilie and Milan, you ladies have a wonderful partnership of being mother and daughter.  Thank you for letting me be part of your world as your photographer for the afternoon.  It was a pleasure capturing your precious smiles. 

Techie Notes:  Gear Used - Canon 5D, 550ex Flash, Sunpak 333 Thyristor, 24-70mm, 70-200mm, a car sunshade for reflectors from Kragen Auto Parts :), ND filters.
Most of the shots here were metered and underexposed by about two stops.  The sun was still pretty strong at this time of day and I didn't want blown out skies for the majority of the shots.  Every now and then I get blown out skies when the moment is happening and metering is not an option, but for portrait sessions like these when you can control the speed of your workflow, I'll take blue skies over white skies.

Special thanks to my sons Kiefer and Dawson for assisting me on this shoot. 

Monday, 30 August 2010

Ethan's Birthday Party

On July 25th, I had the chance to photograph Ethan's Tol.  It was a traditional celebration for a first Korean birthday.  This was my first time to capture memories for this type of a celebration, and after a bit of research, I had an idea of what to expect.
Ethan in his Tol-Bok.  Precious as can be!
The happy father with his adorable son.

Ethan had to check out those rice cake towers...those colorful stacks of goodies were just begging to be knocked over!

Ethan showing off his walking skills...and Lorraine, the proudest mom in LA that day!

There were a lot of colorful decorations for Ethan's party.  From his Tol-Bok (traditional outfit), to the colorful rice bean cake towers, to the balloons and his Elmo birthday cake.
Family, friends, and platter after platter of delicious food!  That's a grand Tol celebration for you!

The Toljabee was the highlight of the event.  This was the part where Ethan would be given the opportunity to pick an item that would help predict his future.  A stethoscope would mean a future in the medical world, a book would hint on him being a scholar, a computer mouse would be for something in the computer world, maybe become the next Steve Jobs, a Baseball would be for sports, and a rope for longevity.

Ethan chose the baseball!  MLB may be in this handsome little guy's future.
Ethan picks the baseball.

Ieenor, Lorraine and Ethan...a beautiful family!
Ieenor and Lorraine, I am really honored that you chose me to capture memories for Ethan's birthday.  I wish you all the great health and good fortune in your adventures in raising your family!

Techie Notes:  Being that this was an indoor event and the room didn't have any windows, all shots you see here have on-camera flash.  Not direct flash though, all were shot with bounced flash to different areas of the restaurant.  No plastic tupperware-looking modifiers were attached to the flash as well (my Sto-fen omni-bounce has not seen the light of day for a few years now...always in the bag, but never makes it out of the bag)...the light modifier I was using drew a few chuckles from some of the guests, as it was a foam mousepad acting as the snoot, and a ponytail holder that I grabbed from my wife's hair accessories.  This was an idea I got from a New Jersey Photographer, Neil van Niekerk (unfortunately, I do not know him personally.  I was signed up to attend one of his seminars in Las Vegas, but it was canceled, so I never had the chance to meet him in person).  I've always preferred bouncing flash, but once in a while I would have some light spill onto my subject directly, and this foam-snoot takes care of that issue.  Off camera lighting was not an option for this shoot for me, since I didn't have an assistant with me.

Gear Used:  Canon 5D, 24-70mm 2.8, 50mm 1.8, 550Ex, black mousepad as a snoot, and a ponytail holder / rubber band thingy.

Sunday, 29 August 2010

A Nice Day For A Ride To The Park...

It was a very nice breeze blowing in, the temperature was in the low 70s and friends were visiting.  The light was just perfect this afternoon and the colors were just right...

Helmet on, ready to roll...
Basket...check, matching helmet...check...cute-ness....check!
Spending an afternoon biking with friends...memories are made of this.
Got road?

100 and 4 days of summer vacation, and school comes a long just to end it.. and end it soon it will.  Enjoying the last days of summer.

With the golden light fading fast, it was time to hit the road again and head on home for some McDonald's cheeseburgers for the kids and some Korean BBQ chicken for The Loft for the moms and dads!
Jino and Carol with rim lighting compliments of the Sun!
Gotta love that bokeh that the 70-200mm 2.8 lens gives.  Smooth and silky!

I didn't use any flash for these images because there wasn't a need to lift any shadows ... A reflector would have helped a bit, but not a show-stopper.   
I usually have my speedlights handy, but riding a bike and clinging to a 70-200 was bulky enough.  I had a nifty fifty in my bike pouch, and that saw a little action too, but it's very hard not to use the 70-200 lens with this gorgeous golden light beaming through the trees in the park...

Gear used:  Canon 5D, 70-200mm 2.8 IS, 50mm 1.8